A Letter from Pastor Johnny
These are exciting times at Elkin Valley. God is doing amazing things in and through our ministries. We are truly humbled by the goodness He has shown to our church. We have been and continue to be a light in our community and a faithful voice to declare the hope of the gospel. As we seek to continue our witness we are embarking on an important step that will enable us to better fulfill our mission. After years of planning and prayer the church family has determined that now is the time to build our new worship center. It is a journey that will be a defining step in the history of Elkin Valley. It is a journey in which we need your help. It is a task for which we need everyone’s help. This is not a call to a few, but a challenge to all of us to join together to see this vision become a reality. While our gifts will not be equal our sacrifice should be. I ask you to join us on this journey of faith and take part in our Forward Campaign. Envision with me a worship center filled with people whose lives have been changed by the love of Christ. Ask God what He would have you do to help make this vision a reality and then simply obey. Join with us as we go forward!
- Pastor Johnny Blevins
What's Next?
The next step in the life of Elkin Valley Baptist is to build a worship center to serve as a permanent place of worship for the church. This new area will allow us space to grow and expand our ministry footprint by providing a large lobby area and a spacious room for worship, creative drama, and concerts.
Our vision is to continue moving forward in providing quality worship for this generation and for generations to come!
What is the Urgent Need?
We need to raise an additional $1 million, over the next 36 months to complete this $2.3 million project.
Building Fund - $1.2 million
Forward Campaign - $1 million
Total: $2.2 million
What Can I Do?
Your whole life is a gift from God. All of it, including your time, your talents, your energy, and your resources. What will you do with it?
PRAY: We are entering a journey together as a church. Prayer is the guiding factor that leads that spiritual journey. We challenge you to gather your family and ask, “What would God have us do?”
GIVE: Bring your sacrificial gift, above your regular tithe.
COMMIT: Complete the Forward Campaign commitment card.